国際シンポジウム“Is the Nordic welfare model facing an enormous shaking period in the 2020s? Dialogues between the Nordics and Japan”(「2020年代の北欧福祉モデルは巨大な揺らぎに直面しているのか? 北欧と日本の対話」)
研究報告 ”Welfare Policy as a Political Quarrel: Traditional Parties versus Populists"
『香港の民主化と人権(Democracy and Human Rights in Hong Kong)』
主催:大和日英基金(Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation)
Speaker: ネイサン・ロー(香港民主化運動家)
司会:ビル・エモット(The Economist誌)
『モンゴル・日本EPAの5年 北東アジアへのインプリケーション』
基調講演 ナンジン・ドルジスレン
パネリスト 足立研幾・立命館大学教授
上久保誠 人・立命館大学教授
司会 宮脇昇・立命館大学教授
主催 立命館大学「COVID-19と国境開閉 研究プロジェクト」
共催 立命館大学地域情報研究所(予定)
北東アジアエネルギー安全保障ネットワーク (CESNA)
(2021年1月8日、Zoom Webinar)
研究報告 「コア・エグゼクティブ構造の違いに見る日中の政策過程」
"Business Power for China’s Democratisation: Lesson from Japan", paper presented to "Exploring Sino-Japanese relations in the 21st Century: Challenges and opportunities" supported by Social Science Research, Institute (SSRI) International Christian University, Tokyo, 28st October 2016
"Business Power for Demicratisation: Lesson From Japan" paper presented to Comparative Asian Research Network (CARN), Department of Japanese Studies, CUHK, 21st September 2016
”The Possibility of the Japan's Upper House Reform Requires Amendment of the Constitution" paper presented to JAPAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION OF CANADA (JSAC) 2015 ITERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, EMBASSY of CANADA TO JAPAN, 21th May 2015
"The Possibility of Sharing Democratic Values between South Korea, Japan and Overseas Chinese Network for Overcoming Clash of
5TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE, UNESCAP, Incheon, South Korea, 27th November, 2014
“Is Nationalism a “Necessary Evil’ to Avoid Regional Conflicts? A Case study of Japan, Korea and China” paper presented to Asian Studies on Pacific Coast(ASPAC)Annual Conference 2014, West Washington University, USA, 20th June, 2014
"“Virus War”:Comparison of International Network on Infectious diseasein Asian region" Special Lecture at Department of Japanese
Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 13th September, 2013
“International Networks on Infectious disease in Asian Region: Oxford &Welcome Trust and J-GRID” paper presented to 8th International
Association for Asia-Pacific Studies 3rd Annual Conference (ICAS 8), Venetian Resort Macau Hotel, Macau, 25th June, 2013.
“International Networks on Infectious disease in Asian Region: Oxford &Welcome Trust and J-GRID” paper presented to International Association for Asia-Pacific Studies 3rd Annual Conference, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 24th November, 2012.
Can the Democratic Party finally raise Japan’s consumption tax? Special Lecture at Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, UK, 8th March 2012.
"Japan's Regime Change and Welfare Policies," paper presented to Japanese-Danish Workshop: Citizenship, local governance and the welfare state, University of Southern Denmark, 16th March, 2011.
"Re-thinking Decentralization as a Central Political Issue: The Case of Rayong," paper presente to International Symposium on "Community Participation for Sustainable Development" Thammasat University, 24th February, 2011.
“Japanese International Monetary Policy Making: Comparative Institutional Analysis with China” Paper presented to BAJS Triennial Conference 2010, 10th September 2010.
「GIARIと世界の地域統合研究機関: GIARIへの教訓」『第3回・GIARIアジア統合理論研究会』(2010年03月8日、早稲田大学)
“Japanese International Monetary Policy Making: Comparative Institutional Analysis with China” Paper presented to The Next Generation International Workshop 2010, 15th January 2010.
"Cabinet Office and Bureaucracy: The Case of Koizumi Government’s Fiscal Structural Reform" Paper presented to Waseda Institute for Advanced Study Lunch Time Meeting, 20th November 2009.
"Bureaucracy and the Initiative of Prime Minister's Office: A Case of Diplomatic Policy Change under the Koizumi Administration" paper presented to Japan Politics Colloquium 2008, 11th September 2008.
"Bureaucratic Behaviour and Policy Change: Administrative Reform in the 1990s" paper presented to Joint East Asian Studies Conference
2004, 7th September, 2004.
"Major Policy Change and the Bureaucratic Behaviour in the Japanese Policy-making Process," a paper presented to Annual Conference of
the Political Studies Association, University of Lincoln, 7th April, 2004.
"An Analysis of the Nature of Interaction Relationships between the Politicians and Bureaucrats in Policy-making Process: With Particular Reference to the Case of Japan," a paper presented to The Post Graduate Network Conference of British Association of Japanese Studies, University of Sheffield, 2nd September, 2003
"Major Policy Change and Japan's Bureaucratic Behaviour," a paper presented to PhD Seminar Series, Department of Politics and
International Studies, University of Warwick, 21st November , 2003.